Saturday, March 10, 2012

-         Saudi Arabia and Yemen are on the Arabian Peninsula.
-         Israel and Turkey are on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
-         The Gaza Strip and the West Bank are two territories inside the boarders of Israel.
-         Abraham is the father of monotheism.
-         Jews, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God, they are monotheistic.
-         In 1000 BC Israel splits in two, Israel and Judah.
-         In 722 BC Israel was taken over by the Assyrians.
-         In 587 BC Judah was taken over by the Babylonians.
-         In WWI Britain and France got “mandates” in the Mid East.
-         Britain got a Mandate for Palestine.
-         Israel declared independence on May 14, 1948.
-         The Palestinians is Israel were taken out and put into their own little societies, away from the Jews.
-         Israel took the Sinai Desert, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golden Heights in the 1967 war.
-         Egypt was the first Middle Eastern country to make peace with Israel.
-         Israel still controls Golden Heights.
-         The president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, was assassinated right after he made the peace accords with Israel.
-         The Two-State solution is to make the Gaza Strip a country again and to make sure it is okay with Israel.
-         The West Bank cannot survive as a country without Israel because it does not have the needed resources.
-         Mahmoud Abbas is the president of the PLO or PA.
-         The Right of Return is the right for Palestinians to return to Israel and live there.
-         Cyrus the Great was the Persian Emperor who allowed the Israelites to go back home in 537 BC.
-         The USSR and Britain invaded Iran in 1941 because they were afraid that Iran would supply oil to Hitler. They took control of Iran and put the Shah’s son in charge.
-         Ayatollah Khomeini was sent into exile because he was criticizing and preaching against the Shah.
-         Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran in 1979 because that was when the Shah fled the country. The Shah fled the country because he was afraid of a rebellion.
-         The Ayatollah set up a theocracy when he went back to Iran. A theocracy is a government based off of religion. The laws are taken from laws and teachings of God/Allah.
-         52 American workers at the American Embassy in Iran were taken hostage for 444 days. (November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981). They were given back once Jimmy Carter was not president any more.
-         Sharia Law is a strict form of laws for criminals in Indonesia, it is a form of Muslim law that did not come from Indonesia.
-         Mohammed is the prophet of Islam. He started the religion and helped to spread it around the known world. He is said to have been visited by an angel.
-         The Islamic Revolution was started by CIA agents to get the people to go against their Shah because he nationalized oil.
-         The Promised Land is Israel. Supposedly Israel was promised to the Jews by God, but the Muslims claim it was promised to them by God.
-         During the 600s and 700s AD, Islam spread throughout the known world. Went from Africa all the way out to the boarder of India.
-         Mecca (Saudi Arabia)
-         Canaan (Israel)
-         Largest Muslim Nation population wise (Indonesia)
-         Persia (Iran)
-         Babylon (Iraq)
-         Sinai (Egypt)
-         Taliban (Afghanistan)  
-         Bethlehem (West Bank)
-         Saddam Hussein (Iraq)
-         Jerusalem (Israel)

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