Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did Africa ever have a chance? This is a very difficult topic because there are so many things that could affect Africa and its status. Also by asking this question you are implying that Africa failed as a continent. Many might think that Africa did not fail so it makes this topic even harder. I will try my best to look through history and see if things helped or hindered Africa.
I will start off way back in history. It is believed that human life was started in Africa and spread out across the world. It seems like Africa is doomed for failure right from the start because people wanted to leave the continent. “The Scramble for Africa” was a good thing for Africa in my eyes. If the Europeans had never colonized Africa they would still be living like tribal men. There are some tribes in the Amazon that have never seen the outside world, and look like they are from BC. That is what Africa would be like if Europe had never colonized them. Europeans introduced them to new technology, new foods, and a new way of dressing. 
Now-a-days Africa is worse off. When the Europeans left the people did not know how to rule and that is why many places there today are ruled by a tough thug. The person who could intimidate the people the most and who could get the toughest people to support him would take charge because everyone would be to scared to oppose. The oil there was also bad for them. I think they should never have found it, because now they have oil companies cheating them, ripping up their soil, not cleaning up their messes, and basically just walking all over them. The oil business over there has also sparked violence, and when there is a spark and oil there is an explosion. This explosion is all the kidnapping, murders, gun fights, hostage taking, and everything else people will do to get money from the oil business.
There are many countries in Africa that are having rebellions and wars. I believe that for Africa to have a chance at real success they must finish all these rebellions and make new governments that the people want. Countries over there must unite to stop the wars and kidnapping there, and give the people hope. There need to many rebellions to get rid of all the corrupt politicians in the countries of Africa. Countries over there need to take a stand against them, and take a stand against kidnapping kids to use as soldiers or to dig for diamonds. Africa needs to become a safer continent and then it would have a chance because many people would visit Africa for tourism.         

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