Saturday, March 10, 2012

I think China’s biggest challenge is changing the view of what people think of the country. I look at China and I think of a polluted, factory filled, unhappy, communist country. They have to try to change that. With reading the articles it seems that they are not trying to do this. I think it is a big priority and they should get on it.
China has to become more of a likable and friendly country. They should start by being nicer to the Uygurs. The Han hate the Uygurs and walk all over them. I thought in communist ideology, everyone was equal, I guess not in China. China should also be more kind to the poor. The poor in China have about no chance at ever having a better life. China should spread education to these people. 
China should also try not to pollute so much. There is so much smog in China that people practically have to walk around in gas masks; well it is not that bad but it is getting there. China should invest in renewable/green/clean resources. There are so many cars there, and really people could probably just ride bikes or motor scooters. This would make China a lot more pleasing looking to the outside world.
Now, China needs to not be so competitive. They seem to try to be better than everyone. To be a likable country they must accept that they are not the best at everything. People also seem unhappy there. Well, the poor seem unhappy. China should improve the factory conditions their people work in so that it is not dangerous anymore and they will not have to work long hour with barely any pay. If China can do all these things, then maybe I will look at China as a nice country and not one that I think a revolution should be started in.      

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