Saturday, March 10, 2012

-         The nickname for the effort to colonize Africa by the Europeans was the “Scramble for Africa.”
-         The two countries that were never colonized were Ethiopia and Liberia.
-         Europe decolonized Africa after WWII because they had fought a war against a country that wanted to colonize Europe, so they would be hypocrites to keep their colonies.
-         The four main geographic areas of Africa are the south, north, east, and west.
-         Islam is so prevalent in Africa because the Muslims came over back in the 600-700s AD and conquered many places and spread Islam around. Now Islam is starting to slowly spread down Africa.
-         Many Europeans looked at Africans as being an underdeveloped people. They wanted to turn them into people like us, with modern clothes and technologies.
-         Three problems with colonization were that once gone the Africans did not know how to rule themselves. It put rival tribes together. There were language barriers.
-         The primary goal of the Communist Party in China is maintaining economic growth because getting more money will allow the government to become more powerful. This will be good for China because they want to become the world’s biggest super power. Also economic growth will divert the Chinese peoples’ attention from political freedom.
-         We owe China around $1.3 trillion and we have around $14 trillion, so they own 1/14 of our debt.
-         Pollution is such a major problem in China because China is the world biggest producer of carbon dioxide. Babies are being born with deformities, people put their trash in rivers and lakes, and there are so many factories that all the smoke just stays in the air. Many people are getting cancer from the pollution.
-         Tibetans and Uygurs are trying to gain their independence from China.
-         Notre Dame is an American university that refuses to allow any of their products to be made in China.
-         The richest city in China is Shanghai.
-         The Chinese people protested their government in the spring of 1989 because they wanted political freedoms and just more freedoms.
-         Everyone took part in these protests, not just students. This scared the government because they had always just let the students protest because they would never change anything, but now almost everyone in China is going against the government. The government was afraid of a revolution.
-         China gave the people two doors to choose from. Door A was political freedom and Door B was economic freedom. The people chose Door B, and the government said that now they could not in anyway go against the government or the Communist Party.
-         The result of this is that China’s economy has boomed. People have become richer, although there are still many poor people there. China has become paranoid about making sure no one goes against the government go.
-         China one is the rich, upper class, government, and college-educated people. China two is the factory worker, field worker, uneducated, and poor people.  
-         China has companies like Google and Yahoo censor many things that are on the search engines. China also gets the latest technology in spy ware and other things so that they can watch what people look up on the Internet. Lots of things are kept secret from the Chinese people.
-         The majority Ethnic group in China is the Han.
-         Hong Kong and Macao are two sections of China that have special status for 40 more years.
-         Western China used to be mostly just Uygurs but the resources and many other things have brought the Han there. Eastern China hates Muslim China and they get into brawls often. The area that the Uygurs live in used to be the center of the world.
-         The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader who is exiled from Tibet.
-         China became Communist in 1949.
-         Mao was the leader of the Communists. The Nationalists were lead by Chiag Kai Shek.   
After the Nationalists lost the civil war they went to Taiwan and created the country, the Republic of China.  

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