Saturday, March 10, 2012

I turned to my brother and said, “I have to write a paper on why the Mid East hates America,” he then said “The whole world hates America.” That reminded me of the fact that my neighbor travels all over the world for his job, and he said he has learned to say that he is Canadian and not American. It is kind of true that most countries hate America. A lot of people see America as fat and rich, but then again a lot of people want to come to America and live here. A lot of foreigners see Americans as ignorant because when we travel to other countries we usually do not know their language and expect everyone to just understand us bend over backwards for us. Also we are not that nice to other races. The comedians in America make racist jokes all the time, and at my old school, Presentation of Mary Academy, the grade below us had around ten Indian kids. A lot of the kids in that grade made fun of and excluded the Indians, so the next year, not one came back.
Now, why does the Mid East hate us? Well, they absolutely hate western culture and the USA is the epitome of western culture. Iran does not allow people to wear neckties because neckties are western culture. I also think they hate us because we always jump into their wars. Some of them probably do not want us over there fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is like the line from the movie Green Zone  “It’s not for you to decide what happens here.” It is their country; let them decide what happens there.
 Have you ever wondered if there is a connection between us getting into these wars that don’t matter to us in anyway except that they cause our gas prices to go up? I have, and sometimes I wonder if America stopped using oil and used some renewable resource if we would pull out of the Mid East. The sheiks over in the Mid East are probably laughing at us, the great country of America jumping into wars that they can never end just to drop the price of gas. Plus whenever we win a war we try making that country we beat, or helped liberate, a democracy. A democracy is western culture, and they hate western culture, so they hate when we come over and fight in their wars. They would probably like us to just stay in America and mind our own business.  

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