Saturday, May 19, 2012

The King calls Parliament into Session… after 150 years!

By Patrick Fitzgibbon 1640

            King Charles I called Parliament into session today after 11 years of ruling without it. He got rid of Parliament because the House of Commons was protesting against him when he disobeyed a document he signed. The document stated that he could not impose taxes without the agreement of Parliament, but he was still taxing people without their agreement. The House of Commons Protested against him, so he dismissed Parliament. The economy improved while Parliament was dismissed.
            Charles I wanted to make the Scots follow Anglican practices, but the Scots would not because they were Presbyterian, and thought these practices to be too Catholic. Charles I took troops to Scotland but could not put down the rebellion so he called Parliament into session, for the first time in 11 years! We are unsure how this is going to go, if Parliament is going to give him the funds he wants or if they are just going to talk about their complaints. All we know for sure, is if Charles I wants to defeat the Scottish rebellion, he will have to come to an agreement with parliament so he can pass taxes to get funds for his army.

Get the next copy of Crazy Politics Weekly to find out what happens next!

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